
Australia’s Sender ID Registry, coming sooner than expected

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It was less than 12 months ago when the Australian Federal government announced SMS is changing. The $10million dollar investment that was designed to span over 4 years is expected to come sooner than we all expected. Late last year, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) announced the launch of a pilot version of the central registry, coupled with the commitment to release a standardised industry-wide model in 2024.

What does this mean for Sender IDs I am using now?

If your Sender IDs are following best practices, you will be allowed to continue to use it. When enforcement of the central registry comes – Whispir and other communication platforms will advise and help the transition.

If your chosen platform has been regulating Sender ID usage to date, it is likely the Sender ID you have set up today to send to Australia will continue to be allowed to be used.

The pilot version has already started blocking any Sender ID used attempting to impersonate an organisation already in the pilot.

What are the Sender ID best practices?

  • Sender IDs should be as unique and identifiable to the business requesting it. This means, the Sender ID should not be easily mistaken for someone else or generic.

  • Keep content consistent when using the same Sender ID. There is a natural Psychology advantage that comes with familiarity and it will help recipients identify anything out of the ordinary.

How do I register?

Each country and communication platform have their own set of rules to register for a Sender ID.

In Australia, ACMA has announced the intention of rolling out a central registry in 2024. Whilst the final model is still being established, it is suspected there will be a single source to register in the future which communication platforms like Whispir will adopt.

In the interim, Whispir recommends obliging to registration processes by your communication platform. These have been designed to promote an effortless transition when the central registry is available to all.

What happens if I don’t register?

Registries today have been designed based on the Communications Alliance LTD C661:2022 REDUCING SCAM CALLS AND SCAM SMS. They are designed to protect the sender from being reported or fined by regulatory bodies like ACMA.

Not registering puts your company at risk of:

  • Messages being denied or blocked

  • Your company being reported or penalised for misuse based on the above code

Why should I register now when it isn’t enforced?

1. Protect your brand

Registering now means you can confidently inform your customers you are ready and any SMS from your company registered is legitimate.

2. Protect your customers today

We will see a decrease in scam activity. In Singapore, we saw a 64% decrease of scam SMS reported after 9 months launching their regime.

3. Be First

Claim and use your Sender ID name now in preparation for the future. Ensure you register for yours before anyone else does.

4. SMS here to stay

SMS continues to be one of the most used channels for businesses to communicate to their audiences.

What if I send SMS to other countries?

Whispir is designed to enable international communication. The registration framework is tailored to country-specific regulations so when Sender IDs are requested; a thoughtful validation process is implemented to address country specific nuisances before delivery.

For an example: Not all Sender ID Types are accepted by every country or only specific content needs to be included to remain compliant.

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With a full suite of mobile-integrated tools, you can simplify your process and protect your brand with Whispir. Contact us and see how Whispir can streamline your business communications – all from one easy-to-use platform.

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