Dear valued customers, partners and suppliers,
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic we continue to monitor the situation closely and review our operational plans based on the advice of the World Health Organisation and local authorities.
In recent months, COVID-19 has led to a change in the working environment for many businesses across the globe. At Whispir we have taken measures to keep our global workforce as safe as possible, whilst maintaining a high level of service for our customers.
Utilising learnings from our colleagues in the Asia region from the early stages of COVID-19, we have implemented the following controls:
Remote working for all Whispir staff globally in line with respective local regulations. Our transition to remote working, has been successful, with no negative impact to productivity. Staff across all our offices are equipped with appropriate hardware and software tooling including premium video conferencing for all.
Staff travel has been suspended until further notice.
Suspension of in person meetings with clients.
We are continuing to hire, so all interviews with candidates are now conducted through video conferencing.
We are leveraging our own technology to ramp up our staff communications to support and effectively engage with our people as they work from home.
We continue to provide our services at and above agreed service levels as well as continue to further enhance our product and services with ongoing development.
We are sharing the details provided above to display our commitment to managing the health and wellbeing of our workforce, whilst ensuring we can continue providing a full service to our customers.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
Best Regards,
Jeromy Wells